Title: Not the Day Pairing: Ryouga/Yukito, Asuka/Yukito Fandom: Abaranger Rating: G AN: Ryouga's POV of Won't Get Fooled Again. You know, I wanted to finish this challenge with something fluffy...
Yeah, not so much. ;) But still, 30_kisses challenge: Complete. :D
Title: Not So Fearsome Pairing: Ryouga/Yukito Fandom: Abaranger Rating: G AN: Fits anywhere between the first ten episodes. And thanks to Meg for providing the prompt. :)
Title: Precautions Pairing: Ryouga/Yukito technically, but it's not really the point Fandom: Abaranger Rating: PG Episodes referenced: #30 and 31 AN: Originally written for toku100 but it went over the word limit. :(
Title: Sanjou Yukito's No Good, Very Bad Day Pairing: Ryouga/Yukito Fandom: Abaranger Rating: G AN: For terrierlee's Christmas List. Even if it didn't come out quite as cracky as I was expecting it to.
Title: Plans of Attack Pairing: Ryouga/Yukito Fandom: Abaranger Rating: G AN: For terrierlee who requested Ryouga/Yukito at the icon meme. Follow up to Family Values, so contains minor spoilers for episodes 15 and 16.
Title: For the Sake of Repetition Pairing: Ryouga/Yukito Fandom: Abaranger Rating: G AN: Written for megthelegend who prompted Abarager body swap at the icon meme. References episode #27.